Miso broth for the heart

This past week has been quite difficult for me.

Since Alexandre's death, my boyfriend and I have created a little bubble for ourselves with a certain routine to get through the days. But since Monday, Michael got back to work and it worried me a little to see this moment coming. Rediscovering my loneliness, redoing my own routine, which will guide my days; keeping busy to try to get better.

To cling to a routine makes me feel that I gain some control over my life. Control that I have completely lost since the birth of Alexandre, but even before, when I was pregnant. The past few months sometimes feel unreal to me now when I reflect back on it.

It seems that nothing has happened and nothing has changed when it’s complete silence in the house, at night. However, everything has completely changed.

The moment that bring me the most joy in my day is when I cook in the evening; it's my culinary therapy.

My parents gave me a pasta machine, Ricardo's (a very well-known chef in Quebec, everyone cooks his recipes). Testing new dough recipes, exploring the functions of this extraordinary machine, it stimulates me so much, I love it!

It makes pasta but also ramen and soba noodles, the dream! I never imagined cooking my own ramen noodles. I was so excited when I saw it was actually working! I've since continued to work on my recipe because I think Ricardo's is pretty basic, but I'll update you when I have my perfect version!

I would still like to share with you my recipe for miso broth, which is quite incredible. A powerhouse of umami!


1/4 cup of saké
3 tbs. of mirin
3 cloves of garlic, finaly grated
2 inch of a piece of ginger, finely grated
2 shallots very finely diced
1/2 cup of white miso
1/2 tsp. of salt
2 tsp. of roasted sesame oil
6 cups of water

In a small pot, add the sake, mirin, garlic, ginger and shallot. Bring to a boil.
Remove from heat and whisk in miso, salt and sesame oil. Set aside.
In another pot, boil the water and then add the miso preparation. Mix well.

Makes 4-5 servings of broth to add to your favorite noodles and vegetables

With this recipe, Michael has become a critic of restaurant ramen broths! However, I'm not sure he's really objective (!), he's my biggest fan!

It may seem trivial and futile for some people, this obsession with cooking, with food. I confess that I do not understand those who say they eat to live, for whom it does not matter. For me, it keeps me sane and brings precious moments of happiness into my day.

There is the book Chicken soup for the soul, for me it is Miso broth and ramen for the heart!


Learning to dance in the rain

